The emphasis given to Occupational Safety and Health (SST, Segurança e
Saúde no Trabalho) remains unchanged at the Ibersol Group. This is an
essential topic to the Group’s business area, and it brings us undoubtedly
good results. It brings a better organization of the work, increased well-
being and satisfaction of the employees – which in turn reflects in provi-
ding better service – and with a highlight in prevention of accidents and of
occupational diseases.
In this context, Ibersol uses the tools and strategies at its disposal to enga-
ge all teams in this matter, investing in raising awareness and conscious-
ness regarding good practices, safety standards and individual behaviours.
The re-certification of the Management System of Occupational Safety and
Health – that proved the continuous development of the SST area, and that
the service provided by Vog-Tecmaia, in the area of food service, meets the
requirements of the OHSAS 18001:2007 / NP 4397:2008 standard – was
once again attained.
In this respect, 2016 was marked by the following actions: