IBERSOL | 2016 Sustainability Report - page 65

The Ibersol Group considers training
as the main tool to improve the qua-
lifications of people, and therefore
the attention we pay to this matter is
proportional to the importance given
to it. In this line of thought, in 2016,
we kept updating our training techni-
ques at the Pizza Hut and KFC busi-
nesses. New training materials were
made available in the Learning Zone
platform, thus ensuring the recertifi-
cation of all the teams on operational
contents of the brands. Regarding
also there brands, the Leading A Shift
(LAS) training program was launched,
which is intended to the Management
Teams. The CER (Champs Excellence
Review) program has been replaced,
respectively, by the ACE (Assured Cus-
tomer Experience) program and the
ROCC (Restaurant Operations Com-
pliance Check) program, both capable
of a more strict and comprehensive
checks of the operational excellence.
The Clean2Safe training program was
developed with the purpose of impro-
ving the efficiency and the safety of
the cleaning processes at the restau-
rants, which is common to several of
the Group brands, and has an impact
on food safety, product quality and
occupational safety.
In 2016 we initiated the revision pro-
cess of the Potential and Performance
Assessment System – which addres-
sed in 2016 the Structural functions
–, with the purpose of simplifying the
tools that support this system and
of improving the performance of the
The conviction that people are engine
of the sustained growth of the Group
and of the success of its brands was
proven, in 2016, by a few distinctions
earned, thus confirming the opera-
tional excellence of its restaurants
and their professionals. The Pizza
Hut Portugal won, together with Ro-
mania, the competition ‘Pizza Hut
Operations European Championship’,
held between September and No-
vember. The brand Burger King also
showed its merit. The Global Burger
King Convention distinguished the
Famalicão restaurant for the exce-
llent performance of all the team.
Also, one of the employees of this
unit was distinguished as a Most Va-
lue Player - a recognition only given
to three restaurants worldwide so far,
amongst all Burger King units
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