Social Performance
• 4,831 Occupational Health appointments, where the employees’ fitness to
perform their professional activity is assessed;
• over 800 audits carried out to the Ibersol units, with the purpose of che-
cking the implementation of the SST standards;
• revision and promotion of training tools addressed to employees and visi-
• promotion of the teaser ‘Não Caias Nessa!’ (Don’t Believe It!), by sharing the
ranking of the safest units to promote the occupational accident prevention;
• reinforcement of the initiative ‘Venha Acompanhar Uma Auditoria de Segu-
rança Connosco’ (Come With Us and Follow a Safety Audit), aiming to im-
prove the knowledge of the Safety Anchors and of the Coordinators about
Occupational Safety and Health in their Units;
• investigation of the incidents, identification of their causes, setup of correc-
tive measures and sharing of best practices. Each business tried to focus its
attention, and took measures to prevent accidents from happening again,
after thinking about the occupational accidents suffered: 336 in 2016:
• the training in Occupational Safety and Health was maintained in the inte-
gration plan of new employees, based on the leaflet on Occupational Safety
and Health. As soon as they start working, the employees receive training
and are encouraged to follow safe behaviours to avoid the risks of their
• launch of the 4th edition of the campaign ‘Apanha a Tarefa Segura’ (Catch
the Safe Task), conceived to celebrate the World Day for Safety and Health
at Work. In 2016, the employees were challenged to share a good safety
practice and to make a video showing it. There were 50 participants, and
this reflects the increasing awareness and consciousness of the employees
regarding prevention and adoption of good practices of Occupational Safety
and Health, which are the aims of this campaign;
• inquiry to the employees regarding Occupational Safety and Health, with a
global participation rate of 16%.