Social Performance
Ibersol – Portuguese Federation of Food Banks
Against Hunger Partnership
The funds raising campaign ‘Graças a Muitos Fazemos Sorrir quem mais
precisa’ (Thanks to Many we Make Smile those Who Need the Most) took
place between 9 and 26 September – an initiative that is the result of the
partnership between the Ibersol Group and the Portuguese Federation of
Food Banks Against Hunger – in its eight edition. With the support of the
customers of brands such as Burger King, Pans & Company, Pizza Hut,
Pasta Caffé and KFC – who have kindly paid 20 cents extra for their meals
–, it was possible to raise 58 thousand Euros, which are meant to help the
most poor and those in need of food. This was a successful initiative that
proves that the community is more aware of solidarity issues.