Ibersol • Sustainability Report 2014 - page 84

Relatório de Gestão
Viva Bem Program
The siteVivaBemcontinues tooffer the ‘EspaçoNutricion-
istas’ (Nutritionists Area), where the customers can ask
questions about healthy lifestyles. The section ‘Crianças
e Escolas’ (ChildrenandSchools) is specifically dedicated
to a healthy diet, food safety and children health.
In the Viva Bemblogwe celebrate important dates, such
as the Consumers Day, theWorld Food Day or the arrival
of a new season of the year. It also have tips about diet,
healthy lifestyles, sustainability and environment, and
provides information about the Brands. In 2014, the
blog registered more than 13,000 views.
The program Viva Bem was continued to pursue qual-
ity and balanced food. To promote the program, we
renewed the site and launched the Blog Viva Bem, in
order to create platforms that enhance the relationship
between the Customer and the Brands. These tools
keep the customers informed, making the choices of a
healthier lifestyle easier.
To that end, the Viva Bemprogramprovides information
about a balanced diet and the nutritional composition
of Ibersol products via clear and responsible dialogue
with Clients and Consumers. The programalso encour-
ages physical activity as an essential complement to a
healthy lifestyle.
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