Ibersol • Sustainability Report 2014 - page 80

Relatório de Gestão
In 2014, in addition to the certification awarded by the
Standard NP EN ISO 22000: Food Safety Management
Systems, the Group embraced a new challenge and,
convinced of the mobilizing and promoting force of
constant improvement, certifies the food service opera-
tions management of the Group with 3 new standards,
thereby gaining recognition of APCER regarding its In-
tegrated Management System:
NP EN ISO 9001: Quality Management Systems
NPEN ISO14001: EnvironmentalManagement Systems
NP 4397:2008 / OHSAS 18001: Occupational Safety
and Health Management Systems.
(Food service operations of the Ibersol Group and food
service provision in VOG-Tecmaia).
We also continued the consolidation of the Food Safety
System, by renewing in 2014 the certification of the
standard NP EN ISO 22000: Food Safety Management
Systems in Portugal.
NP EN ISO 22000: Food Safety Management Systems
in Portugal
This standard aims to assure harmonization of the req-
uisites needed to supply end users with safe food.
Food Quality and Safety
Aeroporto Lisboa Clocks; Aeroporto Lisboa Cockpit Bar; Aero-
porto Lisboa Multimarca; Aeroporto Lisboa Spoon; Burger
King Cascais; Burger King Colombo; Burger King Dolce Vita
Porto; Burger King Norteshopping; Blue Caffé; Catering of
the Dragão Stadium; Cozinha Central Sintra; KFC Cascais;
KFC Colombo; KFC Dolce Vita Porto; KFC Forum Almada, KFC
Norteshopping; KFC Vasco da Gama; Pans Company Colombo;
Pans Company Dolcevita Porto; Pasta Caffé Dolce Vita Porto;
Pasta Caffé Norteshopping; Pizza Hut Colombo; Pizza Hut
Foz; Pizza Hut Matosinhos; Pizza Hut Norteshopping; Pizzahut
Dolce Vita Porto; Quiosques Dolce Vita Porto; Vog Tecmaia
Multi-brand Dolce Vita Porto Warehouse; Multi-brand Lisbon
Airport Warehouse, Multi-brand Norteshopping Warehouse;
Central Palmela Warehouse; Headquarters.
Certified Units under the
standard ISO 22000
A...,70,71,72,73,74,75,76,77,78,79 81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,...100
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