The Burger King Spain operations, conducted by the Ibersol Group
through Lurca, ended 2015with 902 employees and 33 restaurants of
theBurger King brand. Five are in ShoppingCenters, four areAutokings
and the other 24 are distributed throughout different cities in Spain.
Continuing its policy of unit renovations, Lurca invested in the re-
modellings of three restaurants, Valladolid, Palencia II and Vialia.
However, the year of 2015 was marked by the launch of the Home
Delivery service in 25 restaurants. The Home Delivery service thus
became a new sales engine of the Burger King brand, which is why it
also became a priority in the day-to-day of employees to guarantee
and establish the bases of this service, in order to reinforce the sound
operation of the same.
The Home Delivery service was responsible for an acceleration of
the reaction time and tracking in real time of the levels of Service,
Speed, Quality and Customer Service. At the same time, it led to
a more rigorous training plan, since the number of employees in-
creased, thus requiring additional training for Shift Managers and
Home Delivery Coordinators, in order to correct deficiencies and
guarantee the operational control of the units.
Intermsofmarketing, thestrategy focusedonmajordiscount campaigns
and offers. The continuous presence on television and outdoor is note-
worthy, aswell as thedistributionof coupons viamail at anational level.