Sustainability Report 2014
KFC Norte Shopping was visited by 14 girls supported
by the Child Protection Association Bispo D. António
Barroso, who got to know the restaurant and had a
rather joyful and relaxed lunch.
Under the scope of the 7th Edition of the Sapo CodeBits,
a programming contest held in Lisbon with the dura-
tion of 48 consecutive hours, Burger King offered 2,000
hamburgers steakhouse and 2,000 salads to the 900
participants in this event. The brands Pizza Hut and
KFC also offeredmeals to the competing programmers.
During the month of August, Didáxis (a Teaching Coop-
erative that owns two facilities in VilaNova de Famalicão)
put in motion a solidarity project called ‘Super Férias’
(Super Vacations), which seeks to give children with
less resources the possibility to experience educational,
cultural, recreational and sportive activities. KFC, Burger
King, Pizza Hut and Pans & Company offered the lunch
to approx. 50 children that travelled to Oporto to visit
the Dragão Football stadium.
Ibersol – Fundação Pauleta Partnership
In the scope of the partnership with the Fundação Pau-
leta, enforced since 2006, in 2014, the Ibersol units
located in the Parque Atlântico shopping centre offered
meals to approx. 100 children aged between 5 and 13
years old, which receive support from this association.
We also sponsored the Ibersol - Fundação Pauleta Tour-
nament, with the participation of nearly 300 athletes, the
2nd edition of the Pauleta Azores Soccer Cup U13, with
the presence of 6 teams, 100 young boys in total, and
the 9th Summer Camp of the Fundação Pauleta, with
the participation of 70 children.
Simultaneously, a monetary donation was also made
to contribute for the social and community assistance
aims of the Fundação Pauleta.
This partnership is groundedby the principle that practic-
ing sports is considered by Ibersol to be a structuring ac-
tivity for the development of children and young people.