Sustainability Report 2014
a) Education / Training
Ibersol is responsible for the technological component
of the Technical Food Service Course at the António
Nobre School Grouping. Under this project, the course’s
trainees train at Ibersol restaurants situated in Oporto.
Such cooperation is possible because Ibersol has a train-
ing and development structure able to support these
youths by creating positive expectations regarding a ca-
reer plan, besides helping them join the working world.
In 2014, Ibersol’s teaching team provided 460 hours of
training in the 2013/2014 course. The following brands
were involved: Pans & Company and Pizza Hut. They
hosted the students overseeing their training and all
necessary monitoring, besides assessing their perfor-
mance throughout the sessions. By the end of the school
year, 3 students successfully concluded the year 12, and
were awarded with the certification as Restautrant-bar
technicians. In November, we’ve started the 3rd edition
of this course with 22 enrolled students, and until the
end of the year, 90 training hours have been lectured.
b) Junior Achievement
Junior Achievement Portugal is a non-profit associa-
tion committed to bringing training programmes to
schools to help children and young people develop a
taste for entrepreneurship. In this regard, the following
programmes have been developed: ‘A Família’ (The
Family) (1st grade students), ‘A Comunidade’ (The Com-
munity) (2nd grade students), ‘Economia para o Sucesso’
(Economy for Success) (9th grade students), and more
recently, ‘A Europa’ (The Europe) (5th and 6th grade
students) and ‘É o Meu Negócio’ (This is My Business)
(7th and 8th grade students).
In the scope of the Porto de Futuro project, each com-
pany is asked to send a group of volunteers who oversee
these training programmes in the enrolled classes of the
partner school during the school year.
In 2014, Ibersol had the participation of 2 volunteers
who trained 40 students from schools in the António
Nobre School Grouping.