Ibersol • Sustainability Report 2014 - page 68

Relatório de Gestão
and the ‘Festival Monte Verde’, and also the Surf Asso-
ciation of Ponta Delgada, with 150members benefiting
from it.
The Sol Modivas Norte unit offered 80 sandwiches during
an event held by the Association Bagos d’Ouro, which
supports needing children from the Douro region who
show a high scholar potential.
The restaurant Pizza Hut located in the Central Park,
in Maia, supported the event ‘Just Writing My Name
2014’, that aims to promote urban art and fight vandal-
ism, offeringmeals to every artist. The same restaurant
received 2 visits fromstudents fromnursery school and
from the 1st cycle, in the scope of the program ‘Hut
Aprender’. The 46 children got to know the unit and
cook their own meal.
Pizza Hut was also contacted to help the Association
Terra dos Sonhos to make come true the dream of a
little girl in the terminal stage of her illness, which was
to have an afternoon snack with friends and family.
In fact, Pizza Hut Norte Shopping was very pleased to
offer family pizzas and soft drinks to everyone present
to help that little girl fulfil her dream.
The restaurant PizzaHut at the Cais deGaia offered lunch
to 12 young boys and girls and 2 adults that frequented
the Child Protection Association Bispo D. António Bar-
roso that helps children and young boys and girls in risk.
In the scope of the Project Pizza Hut SKI 4 ALL, that
seeks to offer to the children of the Covilhã region an
experience in winter sports, the unit Pizza Hut Serra
Shopping provided approx. 1,000 meals to every child
that participated in the 20 classes of the Project, which
took place in Serra da Estrela.
The unit Pizza Hut Ikea Matosinhos was contacted by
the Parents and Friends of the Mentally Ill Association
and offered meals t a reduced price to the users of that
institution. Thesewent to the shopping centreMar Shop-
ping to watch the show ‘Branca de Neve no Gelo’.
The unit Burger King Norte Shopping offered the lunch
to 22 children living in the institution Casa do Vale that
belongs to the Crescer Ser Association. These boys got
to visit the unit and enjoy a different and fun day. Burger
King also offered a merry Christmas lunch to a group
of needing children and young boys and girls from the
Douro region, living at the Association Bagos d’Ouro.
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