IBERSOL | Sustainability Report 2015 - page 98

Desempenho Social
Offering of Meals and Food Donation
Food donation and the offering of meals continued to be a way to pro-
motetherelationshipbetween Ibersol andthecommunity - abondthat
the Group is committed to strengthen year after year. In 2015, approx.
10tonsof foodproductsweredonated, originatingfromcateringevents
where theseproducts havenot beenconsumed. TheCasadaSopaMãe
MariadeNazaré, inLisbon, theAssociaçãoCoraçãodaCidade, theANAP
-AssociaçãoNacional deAjudaAosPobresandtheAssociaçãoProtetora
daCriança, located inOporto,were the institutions that received these
food donations, throughout the year.
Inthecontextof theofferingofmeals, several situationsarose fromthe
North to the South of the country. Burger King responded to a request
fromtheAssociaçãodeCriançascomDeficiênciadeMafraand, besides
offeringmeals to 25 children, the company invited themto learn about
the best practices in the context of the open kitchen initiative.
Pizza Hut Setúbal offered 10 pizzas for the Christmas event of the
Associação Portuguesa de Pais e Amigos do Cidadão Deficiente Men-
tal (APPACDM), where 60 children with disabilities and their parents
were present. Pizza Hut Telheiras was pleased to offer a visit to the
restaurant and a lunch to a group of 12 autistic children and bearers of
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