IBERSOL - Sustainability Report 2012 - page 62

Ibersol and AMI partnership
The Ibersol Group launched in December 2012 the 4th
Campaign to Fight against Hunger, in partnership with
AMI (International Medical Assistance).
The initiative’s theme topic was “With only 20 cents help
us fight hunger in Portugal”. It aimed to gather dona-
tions to help needy Portuguese who seek aid from the
Porta Amiga centres and AMI night shelters.
More than 3,700 employees from the Pizza Hut, KFC,
Burger King, Pans, Ó Kilo, Pasta Caffé, SOL, Flor d’Oliveira
and Miit brands were involved; the action was carried
out in more than 240 Group restaurants.
Ibersol was rewarded by the efforts and also by its cus-
tomers’ solidarity, collecting nearly 80,000 euros to help
provide meal service at the Porta Amiga centres and
AMI night shelters.
Since the first such campaign in 2008 the Ibersol Group
has collected more than 400,000 euros, which have
been turned over to AMI social intervention and solidar-
ity projects in Portugal and São Tomé and Príncipe.
KFC and AMI partnership
In June 2012 KFC and the actor José Carlos Pereira
joined forces to help AMI in the “Helping is sogood” ac-
tion. The initiative was carried out at the KFC Colombo
restaurant. The actor was on hand to attend and deliver
meals to customers at one of the store’s sales points.
The amount of sales at the cash register operated by the
actor was later donated to AMI.
To express the brand’s values and its social responsibil-
ity mission, KFC used this initiative to put into practice
one of the vectors of its ‘sogood’ campaign: “BECAUSE
HELPING IS sogood”.
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