IBERSOL - Sustainability Report 2012 - page 54

a) Education/Training
Ibersol is responsible for the technological component
of the Technical Restaurant Course at School EB 2,3 Ni-
colau Nasoni. Under this project, the course’s trainees
train at Ibersol restaurants situated in the Dolce Vita
Antas shopping centre. Such cooperation is possible be-
cause Ibersol has a training and development structure
able to support these youths by creating positive expec-
tations regarding a career plan, besides helping them
join the working world.
In 2012 Ibersol’s teaching team provided 484 hours of
training, involving the following brands: Pans & Com-
pany, Pizza Hut, Pasta Caffé, Quiosques, Burger King, Ò
Kilo and KFC. They hosted the students overseeing their
training and all necessary monitoring, besides evalua-
ting their performance during the sessions.
b) Junior Achievement
Junior Achievement Portugal is a non-profit association
committed to bringing training programmes to scho-
ols to help children and young people develop a taste
for entrepreneurship. In this regard, the following pro-
grammes have been developed: The Family (1st year
students), The Community (2nd year students) and Eco-
nomy for Success (9th year students). In the scope of
the Porto of the Future project, each company is asked
to send a group of volunteers who oversee these three
training programmes in partner school classes during
the school year.
in 2012 Ibersol counted the participation of 10 volunte-
ers who trained 171 students from schools in the Verti-
cal das Antas group.
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