IBERSOL - Sustainability Report 2012 - page 68

In the Ibersol Group, responsibility for the product me-
ans a constant commitment to offering products and
services with high quality standards, as well as presen-
ting value proposals and concepts that meet customer
That’s why the organization aims to become familiar
with customers, listening to them to find out what satis-
fies them and also to hear eventual complaints.
Food quality and safety is a basic principle without whi-
ch the organization’s business would not be sustaina-
ble. The implementation of a demanding food safety
and management system provides a solid foundation
for this aspect. Besides offering safe and quality pro-
ducts, Ibersol aims to go farther, providing variety, cle-
ar and precise information about products and ingre-
dients, along with healthy diet advice, so that customers
can benefit from a balanced and healthy meal without
foregoing enjoyment.
Devotion to Customers
At a time when consumers’ available income continues
to be reduced, consumption away from home has fallen
even more, whereby the perceived value of the value
proposal and experience offered is likewise more criti-
Never before have consumers deemed good experien-
ces and quality of life to be so important. Due to its size,
Ibersol is an integral part of millions of people’s lives and
for that reason they are at the centre of its attentions.
To that end, the Group everyday seeks to live the ex-
perience of relations with its customers and to follow
them, responding to trends involving the ‘new’ consu-
mer, using the most appropriate and updated means
to obtain profound knowledge of the overall situation.
In 2012 the Ibersol Group continued efforts based on
the organization of units, information systems and a
systemic approach with a view to identifying major con-
sumer clusters and restaurant segments according to
different contexts and behaviours. It has also continued
the active policy of value-based pricing that involves
aligning supply offers with the benefits provided, res-
pecting the heterogeneous nature of consumers and
This approach to customers is overall a concern deri-
ving from active sustainability policies, which place the
customer at the centre of attentions by all those who
make up the Ibersol Group. Understanding consumer
trends and fully and responsibly integrating their expec-
tations in daily procedures enables the Group to play an
active role in enhancing the value of the consumption
From ‘think customer’ (understanding and sensing the
customer), the Group has moved on to ‘act customer’.
The year 2012 was thus marked by modernization of the
business portfolio and continuity in the presentation of
new concepts.
From the standpoint of continual improvement, in both
Portugal and Spain the policy of renovating spaces con-
tinued, along with contractual readjustment. Notewor-
thy was the modernization work in the brands Pizza Hut
(introduction of new consumer proposals in the area of
ambient experience and service), KFC (inclusion of phy-
sical materialization of the Sogood spirit) and Burger
King (modernization of units and introduction of new
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