IBERSOL - Sustainability Report 2013 - page 51

d) Rugby at Schools
This project aims to carry out an intergroup Oporto of
the Future rugby tournament to promote the relation-
ship between the different schools, to promote stu-
dent sports practice and to educate the young citizens
through rugby values. The tournament includes chil-
dren’s and beginners’ teams and presents three com-
petition periods. In this Project, students also have the
opportunity to attend a national rugby team match, in
2013 played in Coimbra.
The partnerships’ role in this context is to accompany its
school’s team by sponsoring the players’ t-shirts, trips
during the three competition phases and also travel to
attend the national rugby team match. The companies
and schools are also asked to provide volunteers to ac-
company the teams. This year Ibersol was unable to in-
volve volunteers to follow the competitions. We never-
theless contributed by continuing to sponsor the team
t-shirts, as well as transport to the three competitions
and to the national rugby team match in Coimbra.
e) In 2 Excellence
In2 Excellence is a Management Consulting training
program that covers a wide variety of subjects, such as
the development of strategic plans, team motivation,
organization and execution of projects, funding of pro-
jects, cost control, marketing, sustainability, change and
risk management, communication and leadership. The
trainers are employees from partner companies and
the trainees are school directors, assistant directors
and deputies who belong to the Oporto of the Futuro
community. In 2013, for the second consecutive year,
Ibersol was represented by the Group’s Marketing Di-
rector, who has taught the class “Manage Relationships
with the Media”.
Oporto of the Future rugby
In 2 Excellence
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