The restaurant VAT increase from 13% to 23% in 2012,
along with the higher jobless rate of 16.9% in the fourth
quarter of the year, were critical points in the current
economic context, especially for the hotel and restau-
rant sector.
At Ibersol, the adverse economic situation meant the
business had to adjust. Among other aspects, this was
reflected in the number of the Group’s active personnel.
Indeed, Ibersol closed year 2012 with 10.4% fewer em-
ployees than in the previous year.
Ibersol nevertheless continues to play an extremely im-
portant role in employability in Portugal, especially due
to the characteristics of its human resources: a mostly
young population with low levels of schooling who aim
to combine studies with professional activity, are looking
for a first job or are still trying to work out a career plan.
To counter the aforementioned business threats, Iber-
sol has sought to develop action strategies that turn
problems into opportunities.
The Group emphasizes employee training every day,
from the first day on. Everyone has training in standar-
ds for health and safety, product and service, to ensure
that meals are served by caring and attentive employe-
es, with all the quality, safety and taste that customers
appreciate. Besides customer service training, Ibersol
provides specific training for each career stage, helping
employees achieve sustained performance at their du-
ties so they can build a challenging career. Ibersol also
develops complementary training plans meant to plug
gaps or specific development needs identified in a gi-
ven business or functional group, besides fostering in-
creased employee skills, encouraging them to enrol in
training pathways that enhance their academic qualifi-
Ibersol Group continues to pay close attention to our
employees’ health and safety and for this reason revi-
sed the respective company standards in 2012. Training
was provided to the teams in the wake of that revision.
Ibersol also maintains its close relationship with the sur-
rounding community, playing an active role in events
that promote its sustained development. To that end,
various initiatives were undertaken to bring the group
closer to the community. These included participation
in Porto of the Future, the opening of restaurants to
visits by school groups or the promotion of actions to
support humanitarian causes.
Key aspects about Ibersol’s social performance during
financial year 2012 are set out below.